Dental implants

The implant is an artificial root made mostly of titanium (point 4 of the scheme below).It screws (sometimes placed with other methods) itself in the jaw bone, and above it is placed the superstructure (2), which superstructure in turn, serves to attach the crown (1), i.e. with implant may be placed fixed prosthetic even in the absence of teeth. Contrary to the perception created in the mind of the visitor, the placement of one implant in 90% of cases is neither more painful nor more traumatic from the extraction (removal) of a tooth. In practice, dental implants have been used with extremely varied form - knife-, subperiostal, needle, root, friction, anchor-shaped pen and whatnot, resulting in longer clinical observations, however, as the gold standard in practice is being imposed titanium screw implant. At present 99% of the implants is done precisely with this type of implants, in the remaining 1% is fully implemented zirconium implants or devices of other types.


Address of the dental office: City of Plovdiv, "L.Karavelov" 9B, 5th floor, office 7

Tel. +359 32 642056 (dental office), +359888539618 (Dr. Markova)

+359 893686146 (Dr. Arif) +359893686148 (Dr. Lazarevski)

+359 886959696 (Dr. Markov) +359888646003 (Dr. Ralev)

At you can get more information about everything related to dental implants. In this section describes some basics in denture implants. All questions regarding the treatment of implants, and general dentistry we will try to answer at

All manufacturers of dental implants in the world actively innovate in order to improve the performance of the clinical work of dentists. Every company is trying to develop the best implant surface - a dental implant surface is the one that comes in contact with the bone and provides conditions for merging - ie. ossteointegration. For more information on the different types of implant surfaces click here ...

Scheme 3 denotes a zirconium ring, which protects from showing grayish titanium throw the gingiva. This is done in order to maximize the aesthetic. Some companies prefer to develop an entire superstructure of zirconia, which has some advantages. In our office we work with the implant system TBR - production Sudimplant - France. We encourage anyone interested to visit the manufacturer's website - When analyzing the Bulgarian market situation surgical team of our dental office decided to buy another implant system of higher class - Nobel biocare (site of the manufacturer - This at one time was probably the best system in the European market, or at least such were the opinions of most of my colleagues from the European Society for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery ( A few months after this decision system was purchased and is now available to all who want a really high quality dentures. At one stage of our development (when we were not prepared enough theoretically) our team was going to buy and implant system Straumann (, which is also from the highest class with Nobel biocare. The purpose of this was to provide a complete portfolio of products for the sake of perfect denturing. But soon our concept change. In today's globalized world, information is exchanged very fast and in just a few months we were able to build a peek at where they bring the most innovations in the field of implantology - east Asia, south of the thirty-eighth parallel in Republic of South Korea.

In 2007, a team member of the dental office "Dr. Ralev" attended maxillo - facial surgery congress in Iash - Romania.There was presented implant system Implantium - manufacturing concern Dentium from South Korea. Presentation of the system in Romania impressed Dr. Ralev with ease of use in the design of implants and mills, and not least in price. Just one month later on the Congress of the FDI in Dubai - United Arab Emirates - Dr. Ralev already made contact with the manufacturer. So eventually newly registered company Ralev Dental Inc. became a representative of the concern Dentium for Bulgaria and began offering implants in the country. In August 2008 the Ralev Dental Inc. obtained a license to trade in medical devices, in November the same year, the first batch was submitted on 06.01.2009 and the first two implants were successfully placed by Dr. Venceslav Ralev.

Very soon were placed more implants of the two systems - Implantium and new series Superline. In June 2010, just 18 months after the first implant were placed and tracked over 200 implant. And as in business and scientific work to stop innovating is tantamount to signing your death sentence Ralev Dental Inc is hard looking for something new that can be offerd to all patients and colleagues in the country in order to improve clinical outcomes . Very soon were found new manufacturers that offer an even greater variety of products - in the month of September 2010, during a congress in Brudges met with products Neobiotech (of course, South Korea), and in March 2011 during the exhibition in Cologne - with products Lasak - Czech Republic. The first few of the implant system Neobiotech were placed in April 2011 in Stara Zagora by Dr. Venceslas Ralev and Dr. Rumen Valchanov, thanks to the excellent collaboration between Neobiotech Ltd. and Ralev Dental AD during the month of November 2011 we became an exclusive manufacturer's representative for Bulgaria. A group of hungry for knowledge dentists visited Congress of Implantology in Amsterdam at the end of November of the same year, where colleagues were acquainted in details with the products of Neobiotech. For photos from the convention click here ... A import of implants Lasak - Czech Republic is yet to be, which implants also have some benefits - in implantology, and like in the most areas of medicine, there is no universal solution.

For each patient, the cost of dental implants is of importance. We work on the following prices:

TBR implants without ceramic ring - 500 lv(leva - bulgarian currency)

TBR implants with ceramic ring - 600 lv

TBR implants such Zirconnect - 600 lv

implants Implantium - 600 lv

implants Superline - 600 lv

implants Neobiotech - 600 lv

implants, Nobel Biocare - 900 lv

abutment on implant TBR - 120 Levs This is the purchase price of the supplier "Dentakom" Ltd. - Sofia. Placing the abutment on the implant is free

abutment on implant Implantium - 120 Levs This is the purchase price of the official importer Ralev Dental AD - Placing the abutment on the implant is free

abutment on implant Neobiotech - 120 Levs This is the purchase price of the official importer Ralev Dental AD - Placing the abutment on the implant is free

abutment on implant Nobel Biocare - 220 or 290 lev. This is also the purchase price of the distributor "Evgeni Stefanov" - Sofia ( ), Placing the abutment on the implant is free

In a recent study is founded that the price of implants in our dental office is very competitive against most teams in Bulgaria, which are placing implants. Aggressive competition in terms of prices has become a major principle of our office - without trying to become a Social Welfare Institution, we are confident that offering a competitive price of services is a key way to achieve higher revenues. And since we switched to a stock exchange and the acquisition of a public company (for more information click here), we adopt the concept of trade secrets as a relic of the twentieth century. Therefore, we will publish the prices at which we buy from our suppliers implants - something that did not dare to make any colleague in Bulgaria.

Doctors price for implant TBR without ceramic ring - 260 lv Price for labor that involves putting it - 240 Lv

Doctors price for TBR implant with a ceramic ring - 290 lv Price for implantation - 310 Lv

Doctors price for implant TBR Zirconnect - 310 lv Price for implantation - 210 Lv

Doctors price for implant Implantium - 220 lv Price for implantation - 380 Lv

Doctors price for implant Nobel - Biocare - 480 lv Price for implantation - 420 Lv

As an investors with a long and rich experience, we are aware that a public company must have complete clarity in terms of revenues, expenses and operating profit - whatever the nature of the activity itself. This clarity helps all potential investors and traders to assess the real value of the company. Outside this context also benefits from transparency regarding finances - each patient is useful to be informed about what pays and how much materials and specialized labor for that treatment. The above prices are valid for Bulgaria - you can easily estimate how the colleagues are evaluating their labor :-))). If you wish to visit our economicrelated page of Ralev Dental Inc., click here ...

If you have any questions for us all, you can set them at We will try to respond as quickly and competently as possible. Welcome to our forum! In the early 2010 we decided to work hard on Bulgarian implantology portal so it can be most useful to all our current and future patients. Published quite new specialized information that could be useful not only for patients but also for dentists. All this is available at One colleague expressed the view that this web site could be used for coaching (leadership, instruction, supporting information) to all who are interested in implantology. Thank you for the compliment ... However, we think that the judgment of my colleague is slightly overestimating our abilities.

Modern implantology is in constant development. While in the 80s of the twentieth century it was thought that humans have limited indications for implantation today, only 30 years later, virtually there in no case that can not be treated with implants if this is desired by the patient. Different techniques have been developed for bone augmentation - A bone is created on the places where it is totally missing and snap-or even later there are placed implants. Bone augmentation is a routine procedure in many dental practices and offices. A colleague of ours who is 75 years old, but is still open to innovation, make the following conclusion: "Implantology is the most modern method of denturing." Succinctly - my colleague is right. With the current development of human knowledge in our outlook is expected until at least 2050 implant treatment really lead in the replacement of missing teeth. What's next? Something better - a software intervention at the genetic level, in which the human body alone would produce bone and tooth structures where necessary. However, there is nothing better than your own teeth - everything else is just a substitute.

At this stage, however, the efforts of all researchers have focused on the ability to build bone where it is missing. Worldwide already there is accumulated rich experience in these procedures and the results are largely predictable. Raising the floor of the sinus supramaxillar (ie. Sinuslifting) has become a standard procedure, progress has been made in the lateralization of vessels - nerve bundle of the lower jaw, as well as autogenous grafts for augmentation of bone. As if the bone distractions are most in need of more information and evidence. In raising the sinus floor are known so advanced and safe procedures that success for this procedure in literature reaches 98%. Various methods have been described for the sinus lift - indoor, outdoor, balloon, hydrodynamic, has introduced a number of methods of trepanation sinus wall or floor, practical use and many operative methods for elevation of the sinus mucosa.

Where are placed dental implants? In Bulgaria, in almost every city has dental practices that have the necessary equipment and personnel to perform such manipulations. Guide for these practices is at this link ... Almost every European manufacturer has a representative in the country, many manufacturers of dental implants from the USA, China, South Korea and Japan are also imported from different companies. If you wish to make an appointment for a free examination by our team, you can navigate to the location of our dental practice from the map below.


However, far from everything in the field of implantology is absolutely safe and successfull. Sucess in all methods could not reach 100%. To be a functional one implant, it needs to be kept from the body and from the bone. According to the study of Linkow et al (1992) a dental implant is considered osseointegrated when contact with the bone tissue in the range 46.4% - 82. 3%, measured as a share of the implant surface. However, these data cause some eyebrows with in-depth analysis - if an implant is in contact with the bone in its entire surface (or 100%), should he be considered failed because 100 is more than 82.3? According to modern concepts of bone level - methods of placing the implant should be placed 0.5 mm. below the level of the bone, it;s not allowed part of the implant to be over the to the final completion of the healing process. In all cases in the field of implantology periimplant bone resorption is unwanted and is considered as a complication.